Some API resources are changing
Company search / company name syntax
[API Issues]
Processing the XBRL files for accounts?
[API Question]
Can we bulk download Officer/Director Data?
( 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 )
[Bulk Data Requests]
API Rating limit
[API Question]
Stream API - Multi criterias Query Example
Authorised JavaScript domains Authorised JavaScript domains contains one or more invalid domain names
The data which we get via api response, what is the frequency at which this data is updated
Newbie and I need your help please
[API Question]
Accounts archive files
Need clarification on Charges and Insolvency Information
Authorisation problems API
[API Question]
403 Forbidden responses
( 2 )
Director ID from daily bulk feeds
Company name availability checker & Alphabetical company search
API Outage, Performance and Live Issues
[API Question]
Get data using Axios, CORS error
[API Question]
Insolvency API - what represents zero company insolvencies?
[API Question]
Company officers > address > country field optional/redundant?
[API Question]
Is postal code search available?
Connect via Postman says invalid authorisation header
[API Issues]
Incorrect status code returned from charges endpoint
[API Issues]
Easement Legislation Update
Online "Company Snapshot" via API?
[API Enhancements]
9999 - True North Enterprise XBRL Processor: Licence has expired
[API Issues]
Company Returns but Company Address Not Found
[API Issues]
Bulk download of key company information
[API Question]
API Rate limit increase for miltiple aplications
[API Issues]
Production API key
[API Question]
How to regenerate an API Key
[API Issues]
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